Quynh Ha's Portfolio
Image of Luna

Hi, look like you want to know more about me!

👩🏻‍🎨 My full name is Nguyen Thi Quynh Ha. I was born and raised in Hai Phong, Vietnam, but I went to college in the United States when I was 18.

✏️ I have always been into the weird middle line between technology and entertainment. This led to my decision to persuade a degree in Interactive Media & Game Development - Tech, where I can experience both art and technology. During my study here, I discovered about Frontend Development and UX research, which peaked my interest and motivated me to persuade a career in Interactive Development/Frontend or UX Engineer.

🎮 In my freetime, I like to zone out and think about "innovative" solution to random problems. When I am not doing that, you can find me hanging out with dogs and cats, clumsily singing and dancing to music and looking for Co-op Games to play with my friends.

💻 I designed and developed this website from scratch

Want to try something cool? Check out my Interactive Portfolio here !

A collage of pictures of me
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